Friday, November 21, 2008

Well, today was a busy day! After getting Sweet Lou off to school, Hubba Nine and I ran some errands, I dashed off the Red group's newsletter, and rushed off to work. Late, of course, but I opened the store on time. So I busily sold running shoes and sports nutrition, all the while entering race entries onto the computer! But while I was gone... everyone left! Sweet Lou went with her grandmother for the week, and Hubba Nine took off with a buddy to race little toy cars. So what's a girl to do? I worked two hours late, then met Beauty and her boy for dinner. We went to her friends new restaurant, but alas, the Marathon Mamma t-shirt and jeans I was wearing didn't seem appropriate for the jazz combo that was playing ; ) So off we went to Panda Garden. YUM!
I have now opted to pass on the 16 mile run I'm scheduled to do at 4AM tomorrow, and will join some other San Antonio Rock and Rollers for 6 miles at 6AM. I don't even think I'll feel guilty about bailing on my beloved red group either. I'll just tell myself I'm checking up on the red halfers!

Happy birthday to my friend Sassy (shown here with Sweet Lou and I at Halloween one year!!) I wish her all the best.

1 comment:

sassy stephanie said...

Thanks!! I want to hear how SA went! Email me!!