Thursday, December 4, 2008

Turkey Day 08

So, here's La Familia the day after Thanksgiving! We forgot to take pictures on actual Thanksgiving ,what with the race we helped put on in the morning to Miss Pegasus' sugar drop in the afternoon! It was an exasperating day, but we had fun in the 'Ville. This was our first time to have Miss Pegasus overnight, and I must admit... noone should do their first glucose test on a four year old at 2 AM!! It took three fingerpricks - poor thing. I hope she thought it was all a bad dream! And, might I add... two adults and two children in one foldout couch-bed... a little crowded! Please, don't think I slept well. Oh well, breakfast at The Texan made up for it, and I slept all the way home in the car!

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