Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yippee! The holidays are over!!

Well, I know it's been a while, but "The season of peace and joy" is always hectic and crazed around here! Sad news, as of now... MiniMe and Nurse-to-be are not seeing each other anymore. We still see them all, just not at the same time. I'm not convinced they will never be, just not now.
Christmas is always a bitter sweet sort of time for me - what with all the responsibilities of races and performances for my children's choirs, it's not usually a very relaxing time. I always miss my parents at this time of year, because my dad's birthday was December 30, New Year's Eve is December 31, New Year's Day is January 1 and my parent's anniversary was January 2. My dad always said it gave him an excuse to get drunk and stay drunk for four days! 
Anyways... The yucky time is over, and the New Year has begun. So... did you make any resolutions? Hubba Nine made a resolution once... to never make any stinking resolutions! And, unlike me, he has stuck to it!! I'm not so much making resolutions this year, but I am making a plan for doing things better. We started off the year by eating at home, and cleaning out the garage. Okay, so the garage is only half clean, but that was a big accomplishment! 
Now that there is space in the garage, Hubba Nine can put his stuff to work on his "little toy race cars" out there. He also promises to put some of the bikes out there. My bike lives in the garage, but his and Sweet Lou's don't. Now having a bike a piece in the house wouldn't be that big of a deal. But, NO!! he has three bikes, and she has five! What nine year old needs 5 bikes, I ask you?!?! She has her mountain bike, her road bike, her BMX racing bike, her collector's item BMX bike and a trick bike (that was given to her by a well-meaning friend.) 
Now on to the next goal! To clean my room. I think I'll start with the Pile Of Death in the corner. When you work 6 days a week, you tend to grab and hide stuff when your mother-in-law comes for a visit. This little habbit will eventually cause the pile of death! I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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