Thursday, December 4, 2008

Moving Day

No, not me, sillies! But all children over the age of twenty are GONE!! Move-in date was December 1, and now on December 4, I finally wake up to an empty house! Well, other than Sweet Lou, who had snuck in my bed sometime during the early morning hours, and was keeping me warm and toasty. It was really strange to open the door to MiniMe's room and see it empty. Well... empty exept the bag of garbage, the backpack and books that he doesn't need anyway (having dropped all his classes this semester when Miss Pegasus went into the hospital.) Hubba Nine is happy to get his workroom back. I must admit I will be happy to see those little toy cars leave our bedroom, but I will miss the help when I forget to change the laundry to the dryer and when I won't be home when Sweet Lou gets out of school. And who will explain where my conversations have gone when I make quantum leaps and everyone else is confused? Just so you know, if I run/walk/ride my bike down to my good friends house (.3 miles) and go through the fence into the right of way, and over the levee, I come out right at the street where "the bigs" live 3 doors down! And who am I kidding? I'm sure they'll come over to eat on a regualar basis.


June said...

and they'll be bye to drop off their laundry....

Ultramom said...

One has already come by to iron work clothes! Oh, and jack soap!!

sassy stephanie said...

Oh man. I can't believe it!!!! Cook alot. They will be back alot!

And, every time you say Hubs Nine, I laugh. It makes me think he is your ninth husband!

Ultramom said...

Ha ha! Like I would try THAT nine times!!!